Wednesday, October 29, 2008

McCain supported Palestinian terrorist

A 1998 tax filing for the McCain-led group shows a $448,873 grant to Rashid Khalidi’s Center for Palestine Research and Studies for work in the West Bank. … The relationship extends back as far as 1993, when John McCain joined IRI as chairman in January. Foreign Affairs noted in September of that year that IRI had helped fund several extensive studies in Palestine run by Khalidi’s group, including over 30 public opinion polls and a study of “sociopolitical attitudes.”
So let's see, Sarah Palin is out on the stump accusing Barack Obama of being part of a group who gave Rashid Khalidi $70,000 while the fact of the matter is when John McCain was chairman of the International Republican Institute he gave Khalidi $449,000.

Who is it that supports terrorists, again?