Friday, September 19, 2008

This is Bush/Cheney 2004 all over again

McCain/Palin event in Grand Rapids was staged
A PACKED HOUSE.... A few months ago, John McCain described his favorite setting -- town-hall meetings -- as the "essence of democracy." McCain seemed to revel in interacting with audiences, fielding all kinds of questions. That is, until the campaign reached crunch time -- before yesterday, McCain hadn't hosted a town-hall meeting since Aug. 20.

It was a pleasant surprise, then, to see McCain and Sarah Palin share a stage in Grand Rapids, Mich., for what's become a rare event. There was, however, a catch.

So, what was the catch? Unlike most town-hall events, which are open to the public, include diverse crowds, and no one needs an advance invitation, this event was for ticket-holders only. And the only way to get a ticket was through the local Republican Party, after an advance RSVP. No wonder Palin was prepared to play "stump the candidate" -- it was a very friendly crowd that had no interest in testing her.

No further proof is needed to confirm McCain/Palin will be just like Bush/Cheney with their campaign rallies that only allow partisan Republicans. The Pork Princess boldly states that she's ready to play a game of 'stump the candidate' but that's only because she's playing before a hand-picked audience of sheep.

Republican can't debate. 'Conservatives' (sic) can't debate the issues and they run and hide from their record.

Their record is a record of deficits, high unemployment, stagnant wages and mammoth business failures that have brought our country to the brink of disaster.

Only the truly ignorant vote for Republicans.