Friday, August 22, 2008

What he really thought about Putin and Russia

Well, well, John McCain is busted once again. Those damn crazy internets!

You know how old McStupid keeps saying when he -- unlike George W. who foolishly said he looked into Putin's eyes and saw his soul -- "looked into Mr. Putin’s eyes and I saw three things — a K and a G and a B”? Well, sorry wingnuts, a transcript has now been discovered of what McCain really thought about George's assessment of Putin and Russia when he visited them back in 2001. And it proves once again that he is just as incompetent to lead as Bush.
MATTHEWS: On a four-point system, how did the president do in Russia, on his trip to the re–meet Putin in Slovenia?

Sen. McCAIN: On Russia, I d–I give him very high marks.


Sen. McCAIN: I–I give him an A. I’d give him an A.
And by the way, you do realize that people who say everything twice are basically brain-damaged, right?

Probably explains why he lies so much, too.

Bottom line is, McCain sucked-up to Putin and Russia just like his mentor and hero did and above is the transcript that proves it. He is unfit to lead.