POTI, Georgia (AP) — Russian soldiers took about 20 Georgians in military uniform prisoner at a key Black Sea port in western Georgia on Tuesday, blindfolding them and holding them at gunpoint, and commandeered American Humvees awaiting shipment back to the United States.Rough day for the French in Afghanistan
Paris - The 10 French paratroopers killed and 21 wounded in Afghanistan – nearly an entire platoon and the highest French casualties since 1983 in Lebanon – were from a battalion that took control of Kabul only two weeks ago. The event hit Paris hard enough to cause French President Nicolas Sarkozy, fresh from negotiating the Georgian dispute in Moscow, to leave for Afghanistan Tuesday evening to visit the troops.It's comical how wingnut chickenhawks criticize the French as weak on terror. The French were waiting for us when we got to Afghanistan but because they weren't dumb enough to go along with Bush's lies and nonsense in Iraq, the girly boys refer to them as weak.
They've always done their part in fighting the real war on terror and today they paid a heavy price.