Wednesday, August 06, 2008

McCain deflates his rhetoric

Eats a little crow and admits Obama was right
"And could I mention that Senator Obama a couple of days ago said that we ought to all inflate our tires, and I don't disagree with that. The American Automobile Association strongly recommends it, but I also don't think that that's a way to become energy independent."
Oh yeah, well, Senator Obama never said anything about making us 'energy independent' either, numbnuts -- don't try to worm your way out of this one.

The most surprising thing about Lil' Bush's admission of getting it wrong is that his campaign allowed him to make a complete idiot out of himself for six days!

And what did Obama have to say about Flipper?
"It will be interesting to watch this debate between John McCain and John McCain."
And maybe wingnuts will start reading the facts from actual and legitimate sources before spouting off and making themselves look like idiots, too ... Ah, never mind ...