Well, that's the problem right there. After two terms of George W. Bush, what is 'too presidential'? Do you mean he can actually talk and carry on an interesting conversation or even visit another country and not embarrass us?
He's not acting 'too presidential', or being presumptuous. He's just acting normal - like a candidate for President should act. You're just not used to it.
So, what exactly started this latest round of questioning Obama's personality?
The Washington Post did a hit piece on Obama today where they quoted him from a closed-door meeting with Congressional Democrats as saying;
"This is the moment . . . that the world is waiting for," adding: "I have become a symbol of the possibility of America returning to our best traditions."I have to agree, that sounds a little presumptuous to me, no doubt.
But the only problem with that was the Post left out the first part of what Barack Obama actually said. Does his actual statement sound a little less arrogant?
"It has become increasingly clear in my travel, the campaign, that the crowds, the enthusiasm, 200,000 people in Berlin, is not about me at all. It’s about America. I have just become a symbol... "This is the moment . . . that the world is waiting for," adding: "I have become a symbol of the possibility of America returning to our best traditions."So see, Barack's not presumptuous or arrogant. Besides the media being in the tank for McCain you're now comparing him to the embarrassing fool you've watch run this country into the ground the last 7 1/2 years. Almost anyone, with the exception of John McSame of course, would look 'too presidential' after that.