Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Intelligence or an 'experienced' fool? ...
"John McCain has been in Congress 25 years, no doubt about that. If this is a longevity measure, then John McCain wins. On the other hand, before we went into Iraq, I knew the difference between Shia and Sunni."

Steelers or Packers?
McCain has said that an August 2003 visit to Iraq — just five months after U.S. forces invaded — convinced him of the need to change strategy following the fall of Baghdad. And he has said that a December 2006 visit persuaded him to support a surge of additional U.S. forces to reduce violence and stabilize key regions.
Now wait a minute. John McCain said he knew we needed to 'change strategy' in August 2003?
"I'm confident we're on the right course ..." ABC's This Week - 3/7/04

"I believe that he's [George W Bush] strengthened our military. ... I think he strengthened our national defenses. I think he has a good team around him." - 9/3/04

On the August 20, 2006, edition of NBC's Meet the Press, guest host David Gregory asked McCain if he had confidence in Bush and his administration to "lead the war" in Iraq. McCain replied: "I do. I do. I have confidence in the president and I believe that he is well aware of the severity of the situation."

“I am proud of this president’s strategy in Iraq.” - 2/13/08

“No one has supported President Bush on Iraq more than I have.” - 3/28/08
Poor Lil' Bush, he just can't do anything about all of those quotes that are on record.

And of course, Obama's little smack-down is reference to McCain's embarrassing 'Middle East moment' last March when he said; [It is] “common knowledge and has been reported in the media that al-Qaeda is going back into Iran and receiving training and are coming back into Iraq from Iran, that’s well known. And it’s unfortunate.”

It's unfortunate all right.