Saturday, June 07, 2008

Sunday Scroll #66 excerpt

The Limbaugh Award

The reason we moved the 'Sunday Scroll #66' up one day is that myself and seven other members of the 'esteemed' and 'world renowned' selection committee have some very important meetings to attend starting later this afternoon. Four of the members are attending a John McCain fundraiser/Grand Opening for lobbyists at Blackwater's new facility in San Diego. Two others are campaigning with Bob Barr and one is attending a conference given by some goofy Baptist preacher named Chuck 'Crazy Chuckie' Baldwin, who is giving a conference titled, "The invasion and occupation of Iraq was absolutely unnecessary and George Bush sacrificed more than 4,000 American lives and the lives of tens of thousands of Iraqi citizens (not to mention some 2-3 trillion dollars) instead of listening to Ron Paul." And I? I'm heading off for a couple of days of political consulting. I can't say where, but I won't be at Diane Feinstein's pad. It's a little too 'hot' there.

So back to naming number 66.

One of the nominees for this week, Jonah 'Momma's Boy' Goldberg, is new to 'done that'. A fairly well known, but second tier wingnut, but who for some strange reason is carried by the LA Times, wrote an ignorant and lying piece this week where he stated;

"There is one candidate who’s been consistently right about the war, and it isn’t the Democrat.”
Now that's bald faced lie. The only candidate that's been right about Iraq is the Democrat, and in fact, he's now the Democratic nominee. And John McCain hasn't been right yet on Iraq and all you have to do is read the eight quotes by him that appear at the top-right of this blog to know Goldberg is totally full of shit!

But then we had two old friends of 'done that', Sean Hannity and Dick Morris, double-teaming with lies about Barack Obama's and Tony Rezko's real estate deal. That story was debunked months ago but not on Fox News. Hannity continues to perpetuate the lie about Obama getting a sweetheart deal on his house because of Rezko. Hannity knows full well that the couple who sold him the house stated in a Bloomberg interview four months ago that, [Obama's offer] ''was the best offer'' and they didn't cut their asking price because a campaign donor bought their adjacent land''.

Hannity and Morris also lied about Rezko's wife giving the Obama's a deal for a vacant lot that is adjacent to their property. Rezko paid $625,000 for the lot and seven months later sold 1/6th of it, 10 whole feet, to the Obama's for $104,166 . Divide 625,000 by 6 and tell me what you come up with. And that 1/6th was only appraised at $40,500.

They're liars. They know the truth -- those lies about Obama have been debunked and truth has been widely reported.

Polls show that only 13% of the country cares about Tony Rezko and they're all Fox News sheep, dittoheads, or ignorant, toothless, and 'bitter' white-trash Appalachian rednecks (that's redundant since they are already included in the Fox News and dittohead category) so these phony conservative like Hannity and Morris are going to need some new material.

So who is the 66th winner of the 'prestigious, but infamous' Limbaugh Award? The committee decided to award it to 'Fox's Toe-Sucking Ethics Expert', Dick Morris since he lied not once, but twice on Fox this week about the, Honorable Barack Obama.

You're not going to swiftboat this one, asshole -- Congratulations, you're #66.

See you in a couple of days. I'll say hello.