Thursday, June 19, 2008

How much more 'public' can you get?

Poor John McCain. Poor whiney baby.

Barack Obama has raised nearly $300 million and half of that has come from individuals contributing $200 or less. Thirty-four percent has come from donors giving $1,000. John McCain on the other hand, 63% of his money has come from donors of $1,000 or more and "the usual assortment of wealthy donors and big business."

As you know, Barack has refused to take a single dime from lobbyists or PACs while John McCain's entire campaign is run by lobbyists and and he's a long proven whore of PACs.

When you refuse to take money from anyone but individual citizens who are limited to the maximum of $2,300 and refuse the money of those who corrupt our democratic process, you cannot get any more 'public' than that.

But John McCain? He has no choice - he has to take the $85 million from taxpayers. You would think the so-called 'conservatives' (sic) would be up in arms about John McCain sucking from the trough and at the same time, praise Barack Obama for sparing taxpayers $85 million. But you won't hear any of that from the Right.

What kind of fool would limit himself to $85 million when he has the capability of raising that in a month? If Obama would have accepted that deal you really would have to question his judgment.

And the fact that part of my hard-earned money is going to that idiot John McCain pisses me off!

McCain wouldn't have this problem, and the country would be $85 million richer if the goddamn Republicans weren't so fucking cheap and supported their boy.

And besides, Barack Obama is about 'change'. And how much more 'change' can you get when you're the first presidential candidate to ever refuse public financing?

Isn't that something -- Barack has already saved taxpayers $85 million and he isn't even in office yet.

Eat your heart out, wingnuts! And say 'thank you' to Barack Obama for not only saving you all that money but for being of such character that he refuses to take money from the bloodsucking lobbyists and PACs.

Addendum: Who's financing McCain?