Sunday, May 11, 2008

Sunday Scroll #62 - excerpt

The country's No. 1 Traitor
Dick Cheney, who declared $2.5 million in taxable income last year and $8.8 million in 2006, says America's economy is strong as ever.

[As VP, Dick Cheney earns $208,100 a year. The other $2.3 million in 2007 and the other $8.6 million in 2006 came from Halliburton - and/or its residual - who earned their money from ripping off the taxpayers and screwing over our troops. Where is the outrage? Did you notice at that third link that Halliburton sold KBR in March 2007? Dick's war profits went down dramatically, didn't they? -- Those who profit from war would have been prosecuted as traitors at a time not that long ago. But instead, they now unashamedly lead the Republican Party and the unpatriotic sheep that follow, all remain silent]