Thursday, May 29, 2008

'The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder'

The title of this post is the title of Vincent Bugliosi's new book that was just released two days ago. Certainly you recognize Bugliosi's name as the famous LA Prosecutor who prosecuted Charles Manson and who wrote, 'Helter Skelter', the "biggest selling true-crime book in publishing history", about the Manson family. During his career at the L.A. County District Attorney's office, Bugliosi
"successfully prosecuted 105 out of 106 felony jury trials, including all 21 homicide cases."

Yesterday I had the pleasure of hearing Bugliosi on Thom Hartmann's radio show lay-out the prosecution's case against George W. Bush and his accomplices for the lies that led us into the Iraq war. Bugliosi is sure that the 'evidence is overwhelming' against George Bush.

Bugliosi begins his case with the now infamous and highly classified, October 1, 2002, National Intelligence Estimate (NIE). He explains how Bush and his henchmen manipulated the original findings of the NIE that stated Saddam Hussein was not an imminent threat and then gave Congress a watered-down version that claimed he was.

Bugliosi, no lightweight when it comes to building prosecution cases, is sure there's case against Bush. Something a few of us have been saying for well over five years.

And how does all this apply to our political situation today?

So what did John McCain do with the 10/1/02 NIE you ask? Absolutely nothing. He didn't even bother to read it.

And what was Barack Obama saying about the idiotic notion of invading Iraq at this very same time? In fact, the day after, on 10/2/02, he told anyone who was smart enough to listen that; "But I also know that Saddam poses no imminent and direct threat to the United States" .

George Bush is a war criminal. John McCain is a stupid, pathetic little man who was too lazy to even read the NIE at one of the most critical stages of his career. And Barack Obama is a visionary who nailed it and got it right.

And oh yeah, in case you were wondering what Jim Webb was saying about Iraq six months before we invaded;
"Is there an absolutely vital national interest that should lead us from containment to unilateral war and a long-term occupation of Iraq?"
It's about justice and judgment -- Justice for crimes of this administration and the judgment to choose the next one. And that choice is very easy for those of us who are smart enough to pay attention.