Friday, May 30, 2008

McCain is simply stupid

“And I’m confident that he would certainly…recognize that this strategy is succeeding, and we have drawn down troops to the pre-surge level and we will come home with honor and victory and there will be stability in the region and ..."
For a guy who likes to pretend to be such an authority on Iraq you would think the little dumbass would stop embarrassing himself so often by proving otherwise.

Since 'Lil' Bush's' statement yesterday that there are less troops in Iraq now than before the surge is so stupidly false he might want to take some notes the next time he goes on one of his shameless photo-ops.

Barack Obama doesn't need to listen to that phony little bastard.

I hope Barack has a news conference, or at least a nice stinging, punk-slapping statement, today letting McCain know that there are still 20,000 more troops in Iraq than before the surge.

MICHAEL WARE: I’ll issue a word of caution, too. I mean Senator McCain has been here, what, more than half a dozen times. And we’ve seen him get assessments of Iraq terribly wrong. So I wouldn’t be hanging my hat on the fact that your opponent has only been here once.
And Michael Ware has forgotten more about Iraq than John McCain will ever know.