Saturday, May 10, 2008

Demand John McCain comes clean on real 'life'

Flipper McCain has a big problem
"If he [John McCain] were to change the party platform," to account for exceptions such as rape, incest or risk to the mother's life, "I think that would be political suicide," said Tony Perkins, the president of the conservative Family Research Council, to ABC News. "I think he would be aborting his own campaign because that is such a critical issue to so many Republican voters and the Republican brand is already in trouble."
John 'Mr Straight Talk with Forked Tongue' McCain has a big problem with the Neanderthal Wing of the Republican Party. That's what generally happens to people who 'lose their bearings' and pander to all three sides of an issue.

The very vocal, but increasingly irrelevant, anti-choice wing of the Republican Party is going to make McCain's life miserable if he stands by one of the few real principles he has left; allowing abortions for rape, incest or the life of the mother.

As Democrats we want this issue front and center of the national debate. We want the Tony Perkins's, the John Hagees, the James Dobsons and the Pat Robertsons of their party to insist McCain abide by the party's platform. Barack Obama needs to demand McCain come clean on his stance on this 'no-win' policy of blatant insensitivity to women.

This should be an issue that Obama can nail McCain on. With 81% of Americans clearly stating that abortion should be legal in cases of rape or incest and another staggering 88% saying it should be legal to protect the life of the mother, Obama should be demanding an answer from McCain every single day. Democrats can win big on this issue.

And Neanderthals should become instinct once and for all.