Thursday, May 15, 2008

Where's he going to get all that money?

WARREN, MI -- Obama today began his first primary season trip to Michigan by announcing his manufacturing agenda at a town hall in Macomb County, a place that has come to symbolize the very Reagan Democrats whose votes he hopes to win in the fall should he become the nominee.

... Here in Warren, he unveiled his proposals for reviving American manufacturing. The plan includes a $150 billion fund to promote and develop clean energy technology over 10 years -- which he says will create up to 5 million green jobs -- a $60 billion infrastructure fund and a $1 billion-a-year start-up fund for small and mid-size manufacturers to convert to clean technology. He would pay for this agenda through a cap-and-trade system that would auction permits for carbon dioxide emissions, a spokesman said.
If I'm counting that right, that's $220 billion -- over 10 years. What's that gibberish about, 'cap-and-trade' and 'auctioning permits' mean?

Man, you don't have to be that clever if you want to 'pay' for the country to create millions of jobs. All you have to do is end the Iraq Occupation fiasco. With Bush now bleeding $14 billion a month in Iraq you could pay for the entire 10 years in a short 15 months time.

That's a tough one, huh? Create millions of jobs that protect our environment and rebuild our infrastructure or stay another 10 years in Iraq like John McCain would have us do?

Get a clue, people. It shouldn't be that difficult.