Friday, May 02, 2008

Damn, I didn't know that

Iraq by the numbers: key figures since the war began in 2003
By The Associated Press
_October 2007: 170,000, peak of troop buildup.
_April 2008: 159,000
_Confirmed U.S. military deaths as of April 2008: at least 4,059.
_Confirmed U.S. military wounded (hostile) as of May 1, 2008: 29,911.
_Confirmed U.S. military wounded (non-hostile, using medical air transport) as of April 5, 2008: 31,962.
_U.S. military deaths for April 2008: 52.
_Deaths of civilian employees of U.S. government contractors as of Dec. 31, 2007, most recent figure available: 1,123.

"Deaths of civilian employees of U.S. government contractors, 1,123"? Are those Americans?

No way.