Monday, April 14, 2008

Yeah, well then "enshala" this!

"It's kinda like if your neighbor's house burned down. And your neighbor had nowhere to go. We'd all take our neighbor in, wouldn't we? And it wouldn't matter if we didn't have any money and no extra bed, they could sleep on the couch, that'd be fine. And they could stay for a month, it'd be alright, and most of us it'd be fine if they had to stay for six months.

But if your neighbor is still on the couch after five years, what do you know? It's not about that fire anymore, it's about not having to get off the couch! And that's about where we are in Iraq,
it's not about the fire anymore," - Bill Clinton-Indianapolis-4/12/08

Bill Clinton knew not to invade Iraq. He knew Saddam was an asshole who deserved to die but he was smart enough to realize it wasn't worth what Bush was willing to sacrifice.

Barack Obama was wise enough to know that, too.

I heard Joe Sestak talking on Air America the other day about a common Middle Eastern expression - "enshala", which supposedly means, 'God willing tomorrow'.

It's way past time to tell those sand-bagging wimps it's not about 'tomorrow' --- We should tell the Iraqis we're giving them until yesterday to get their asses off that goddamn couch because we are out of here today!