Saturday, March 15, 2008

Sunday Scroll #54 excerpt

ANWR -- Note to the clueless

Alaska’s Republican Sens. Lisa Murkowski and Ted Stevens “introduced legislation Thursday that would allow oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge if the price of oil hits $125 a barrel.” Both senators hope “to capitalize on consumer concern” about rising gas prices.

Do you know how many barrels of oil the U.S. consumes every single day? The answer to that would be, 21 million+. Do you know how much oil The Department of Energy has estimated to be at ANWR? Approximately 10.4 billion barrels, which means in all of ANWR there's enough oil for a measly 17 months. It would take 10 years to start pumping oil out of ANWR, [and we will probably be using 30-35 million barrels a day by that time if we keep electing oilmen] so ANWR is just another red-herring spouted by people who don't know what the Hell they're talking about!