Tuesday, March 25, 2008

But they got a tax cut

I was surfin' around yesterday and came upon this piece in the Washington Post on the cost of health care;
Health-care costs are “whacking away” at the wages of working class Americans. Premiums for family health coverage have increased 78 percent since 2001. “Even though workers are producing more, inflation-adjusted median family income has dipped 2.6 percent — or nearly $1,000 annually since 2000.
"Two point six percent" equals $1,000? That means the average person in the U.S. must be earning $38,462 per year. Which is a very accurate estimate if you check out the U.S. Bureau of Labor's statistics. So the 'average' worker since 2000 has lost $1,000 in income every year.

Those same workers - and more, actually - those who earned up to $41,400 in 2007 will see a 'net' benefit from George Bush's tax cuts of a whopping, $763 this year. That of course means they lost $237 last year.

The next time some moron, or some other little sheep who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground, tries to argue that the economy is down because 'there are too many houses', you will now know the facts; it's not about 'too many houses' - For 50% of the country, it's 'flat wages' caused by Bush's pathetic economy and getting screwed by him with his tax cut.