Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Get your wallet, Flipper

Arizona Sen. John McCain annointed himself “the Republican Party front-runner” after winning delegate-rich California and delivering a crippling blow to former Bay State Gov. Mitt Romney.

Pundits yesterday were already preparing to perform an autopsy on Romney’s moribund and largely self-funded presidential bid in which he cast himself as the darling of the party’s conservative base.

“He was not convincing as a right winger,” said Washington D.C.-based GOP strategist John Feehery. “That was the problem with this campaign. He ran as a moderate to liberal Republican in Massachusetts and to make this transformation in less than a decade is strange.”
Isn't it hilarious how the phony conservatives, led by their drug-addicted and perverted pied piper, Limbaugh, have been relegated to propping up as their new 'Reagan-like' savior, one most liberal Republicans in the country?

That's what happens when you don't have a moral compass.

Your boy 'Mitt' is toast.