Thursday, January 03, 2008

It takes time to clean up after Republicans

Finally, there's good news for the state budget.

A $353-million surplus spilled out Wednesday as the state closed the books on the 2006-07 fiscal year, giving lawmakers and Gov. Jennifer Granholm some breathing room in the new year.
Just like the fiscal disaster that Bill Clinton cleaned up after Ronald Reagan and George Bush the Elder, Jennifer 'Jenny from the block' Granholm has now cleaned up Michigan's fiscal mess of a $1.8 billion deficit left by another big spending, debt creating, Republican, John Engler.

It took Bill Clinton four years to straighten up the mess left by the two Republicans who preceded him and now it's taken Governor Granholm just about the same period of time to clean up Engler's.

The moral of the story is don't elect Republicans in the first place and you won't have to have a Democrat clean up their fiscal disaster afterwards.