Monday, December 24, 2007

I've said that about 'al Qaeda-lite' all along

"The United States should not confuse gains against al-Qa'ida's Iraqi franchises as fundamental blows against the organization outside of Iraq. So long as al-Qa'ida is able to attract hundreds of young men to join its ranks, it will remain a serious threat to global security." - U.S. Army's West Point Combating Terrorism Center
The United States 'should not confuse' our gains against 'al-Qaeda in Iraq' -- a mere 'franchise' of jihadist wannabes - 'al-Qaeda-lite', if you will -- to being a 'blow' to the 'real' al-Qaeda.

While we have wasted 95% of our military resources and almost five years of our time occupying a country that wasn't a threat and didn't harbor al-Qaeda, the real enemy, the al-Qaeda terrorists who were behind 9/11, have grown stronger.

Most people paying attention have figured that out already. Even those too embarrassed to admit it. --- I've known it, and said it, for a long time. For almost five years, in fact.

And the 'U.S. Army's West Point Combating Terrorism Center', just confirmed, that I've been right, all along.