Bush supported SCHIP for 'millions' of new children in 2004

Here's what Bush said at his 2004 convention about the SCHIP program when he wanted your vote. You didn't think he was actually telling the truth, did you?
Deja Vu all over again
The 'leakiest' administration in history up to its old tricks

Mr. Dodd Goes to Washington

Not if people know the truth

'The Real Rudy'
Rudy Giuliani is running for office on how he handled 9/11 and here we have proof positive that firemen were killed because his administration did not fix the long-standing (since 1993!) problems with the radios. This BNF investigative report calls attention to four key questions about Rudy's handling of the broken radios from firemen's families and experts:
[Can this country take another incompetent and corrupt republican? 9/11 is what Giuliani's entire campaign is running on and the truth is, he's a big part of the reason why we lost some many firefighters on that day. Reject the Party of incompetence and corruption. Go to the link, sign the petition and have Giuliani investigated for his incompetence and corruption with his $14 million no-bid contract that led to the deaths of hundreds of firefighters]
The Real Mitt
“The choice to have an abortion is a deeply personal one. Women should be free to choose based on their beliefs, not the government’s.” Mitt Romney - 2002
Another 4-Star 'phony soldier'

[$17 million every hour -- $278,000 every minute -- What a waste]
Here we go - trouble from the north
ISTANBUL, Oct. 21 — At least nine Turkish soldiers were killed in fighting with Kurdish militants after midnight on Sunday, and more soldiers were reported missing, prompting Turkey’s prime minister to call an emergency security summit. The deaths dramatically increase the pressure on the government to launch a military offensive into Iraq.
[Turkey an ally? Does everyone forget that Turkey refused to allow our troops access from the north during the 2003 invasion of Iraq? They can't have it both ways]
Can't be true
Cities around the world are facing the danger of rising seas and other disasters related to climate change. Of the 33 cities predicted to have at least 8 million people by 2015, at least 21 are highly vulnerable, says the Worldwatch Institute. They include Dhaka in Bangladesh; Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro; Shanghai and Tianjin in China; Alexandria and Cairo in Egypt; Mumbai and Kolkata in India; Jakarta in Indonesia; Tokyo and Osaka-Kobe in Japan; Lagos in Nigeria; Karachi in Pakistan; Bangkok in Thailand, and New York and Los Angeles in the United States, according to studies by the United Nations and others.
[A bunch of lying tree-huggers!]

Viagra and other impotence drugs are about to bear new warnings that users may experience sudden hearing loss.
[Geez, a double whammy for the Oxycontin pig-boy -- no wonder that asshole is deaf]
DC hookers having a field day!
The 'values voters' had a Values Voter Summit this weekend in Washington DC. It's a very well known fact that every time there's a conference of 'value voters', business is brisk for hookers. For both males and females.
Wingnut princess shows her real self

The Limbaugh Award
For the first time in the long history of The Limbaugh Award - awarded here weekly to the liar of the week - I was overridden by the esteemed selection committee. My point with the committee was that giving the award to Limbaugh again was like stating that George Bush is the worst president in history. Duh. I mean, come on, this prestigious award wouldn't be named after Mr. phony-patriot pig boy if he wasn't a well known pathological liar. But they wouldn't budge since his lie this week dealt with his despicable attack on a 12 year old, badly injured young boy.
As most of you know by now, Limbaugh attacked 12 year old Graeme Frost, calling him a liar. But when the disgusting rightwing smear campaign turned out to be wrong, of course, pig-boy tried to back-peddle and say he didn't attack Graeme. But unfortunately for Limbaugh, there's a transcript and audio - and just as when he called the majority of our soldiers in Iraq, 'phony soldiers', he can't say he was 'misquoted'.
"So the bottom line for me is: They can't rely on truth to make their case for their cause. They have to lie. [...] They send the kid out to lie..."And if you listen to the audio at the link above from AlterNet you will hear Limbaugh, the despicable piece of human excrement, mock the voice of Graeme Frost -- a young 12 year old who has a paralyzed vocal cord from his accident. You can't get any lower than that.
But then again, maybe we shouldn't be surprised since we all remember Limbaugh mocking Michael J. Fox's Parkinsons disease.
And one more thing to add about Limbaugh to give you an idea of just how classless he is; Limbaugh says he doesn't go after kids? Oh really? That's ironic since just this week he admitted he threatened a journalist with this comment; "We're going to find out where your kids go to school."
That's not a threat and an attack against kids? Those are his words said very plainly by him on his show, but I'm sure he and all his shameless defenders will lie again and say he was misquoted or taken out of context. Well, it won't work.
The committee is right. Limbaugh, who just like his biggest fans, attacks and threatens kids, women and the disabled, but runs and hides from real men, is well deserving of this 'prestigious, but infamous', award.
Congratulations Pig-Boy, you're #34.
Past winners of the prestigious, but infamous,
Limbaugh Award
Old Kentucky Homo - Mitch McConnell - 10/14/07
Liar-In-Chief - George W. Bush - 10/7/07
Phony Patriot Pig - Rush Limbaugh - 9/30/07
Big Stretch 'the truth' - Bill Sammon - 9/23/07
Mr. Straight Talk - John McCain - 9/16/07
Sycophant - General Petraeus - 9/9/07
His own Idaho - Sen. Craig R-Idaho - 9/2/07
Turd Blossom - Karl Rove - 8/26/07
The Exterminator - Tom Delay - 8/19/07
Big 'Rooster' - Mitt Romney - 8/12/07
Total Suck Up - Glenn Beck - 8/5/07
General Gonzo - Alberto Gonzales - 7/29/07
Pro Liar - Tony 'Snowjob' Snow - 7/22/07
Bush bin Lyin - George W. Bush - 7/15/07
Freed Felon - Scooter Libby - 7/8/07
Mr. Overrated - Rudy Giuliani - 7/1/07
Crazy Lying Okie - James Inhofe - 6/24/07
Pro Liar - Tony 'Snowjob' Snow - 6/17/07
Mormon Moron - Mitt Romney - 6/10/07
Bye Week - 6/3/07
Commander Guy - George W. Bush - 5/27/07
Pat's Brother - Bay Buchanan - 5/20/07
Used Car Salesman - John Boehner - 5/13/07
Uncultured Wussy - Bill O'Reilly - 5/6/07
Mr. Overrated - Rudy Giuliani - 4/29/07
Turd Blossom - Karl Rove - 4/22/07
The Decider - George W. Bush - 4/15/07
Lying Chickenhawk VP - Dick Cheney - 4/8/07
Mr. Straight Talk - John McCain - 4/1/07
Attorney General - Alberto Gonzales - 3/25/07
Fox mouthpieces Sean Hannity and
Victoria Toensing - 3/18/07
Fox News guy - Brit Hume - 3/11/07
VA Secretary - Jim Nicholson - 3/4/07
Rep. Michele Bachmann - (R-MN) - 2/25/07