With an inoperable brain tumor, doctors have given 2-year-old Ashleigh O'Dea six months to live.
There is one hope for the Hartland Township girl — experimental, expensive gene therapy treatment at a clinic in Houston.
But the family's insurance won't cover the $100,000 tab, which is why neighbors, friends and relatives are coming together in hopes of helping Bob and Amy O'Dea defray some of those costs for their daughter.
"If anybody has a child or knows someone that has a child, just think for one minute what you would feel like if that was your child or niece or your grandchild," said neighbor Lynn Sypniewski, who is helping to organize two of the upcoming benefits.
"You would do everything in your power to help that person. That's how we feel."
The first of three benefits, two of which are being organized chiefly by neighbors, will be a pasta dinner, bake sale, raffle and silent auction from 5-8 p.m. Friday at the First United Methodist Church, 1230 Bower St., Howell.
The second benefit is a "Cut-A-Thon" at Allure Salon, 9544 M-59, Hartland Township.
All proceeds from 3-8 p.m. Nov. 5 will go to the O'Deas.
Why does the American health system require individuals to raise money to save the life of a little girl? How can an insurance company refuse to cover a treatment that could possibly save Ashleigh's life? The best health care system in the world?