The Iraqi government has “put the U.S. on notice” that they do not want permanent U.S. bases in Iraq, CNN reports today. The message was “delivered directly to Vice President Dick Cheney at the White House” by Iraqi National Security Adviser Mowaffak Al-Rubaie, who told CNN that Iraqis say, “No, big fat no, N-O for the bases in Iraq” .I guess things are not turning out quite the way the Bush criminal neocons thought they would.
It was suppose to be a 'cakewalk', paid for with the Iraq oil revenue and be over "relatively quickly, . . . (in) weeks rather than months." But of course, it's been 55 months, 3,830 dead, 28,000 wounded and the cost will easily top $2 trillion.
And for what? Absolutely nothing. All for a pack of lies and all because the sheep were too dumb and too weak to stand up and say no.

And so much for that 'beachhead'. The Iraqis apparently don't see us as 'liberators' and they have other ideas as to who will be their new partners.
We've been fucked, and we didn't even get a kiss. -- Goddamn dumbass sheople!