Wednesday, October 17, 2007

A dozen more 'phony soldiers'!
The Real Iraq We Knew

By 12 former Army captains

Today marks five years since the authorization of military force in Iraq, setting Operation Iraqi Freedom in motion. Five years on, the Iraq war is as undermanned and under-resourced as it was from the start. And, five years on, Iraq is in shambles.

As Army captains who served in Baghdad and beyond, we've seen the corruption and the sectarian division. We understand what it's like to be stretched too thin. And we know when it's time to get out.
Since these 12 captains support leaving Iraq and are against Bush's policy, they must be considered 'phony soldiers' by the likes of Limbaugh and other military-hating wingnuts.

Does anyone know if Mr. Oxycotin pig-boy disparaged these guys yet?