Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Did someone say 'documents'?

I heard Sean Hannity whining today about some documents relating to Hillary Clinton and her days as First Lady. Seems, according to Hannity, she's somehow withholding these documents from public scrutiny.

I wonder if Hannity will be consistent and demand Bush turn over the 600 pages of documents he's withholding on his administration's contact with convicted criminal, Jack Abramoff?

I mean, after all, we know there were crimes committed by Abramoff and why would the White House have 600 pages* of documents on a person no one in the White House even knew when they were all asked the question the first time?

I just watched Hannity & Colmes and Hannity never mentioned today's breaking news. So much for 'fair and balanced'.

Here (below) is a letter that Congressman Henry Waxman wrote today to Bush's attorney Fred Fielding demanding they turn over those documents on Abramoff. Bush can't cry 'national security' on Jack Abramoff.

Wingnuts can't have it both ways. If you're going to whine about documents from Hillary Clinton when she was 'baking cookies', you certainly cannot defend the White House withholding 600 pages of documents about a convicted felon that they've already been caught lying about.

Well, I guess you can .... because you know you will.

Dear Mr. Fielding:

The White House is withholding hundreds of pages of documents about the activities of convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff on the grounds that these documents involve internal White House deliberations. Unless the President is prepared to assert executive privilege over these documents, they should be turned over to the Oversight Committee without further delay.

When Mr. Abramoff pleaded guilty to corruption charges in January 2006, White House officials stated emphatically that Mr. Abramoff was a virtual stranger to the White House. President Bush said, "I don't know him." White House spokesman Scott McClellan asserted that "there were only a couple of holiday receptions that he attended, then a few staff-level meetings on top of that." Through a spokesperson, Karl Rove, then Senior Advisor to the President, said, "Mr. Rove remembers they had met at a political event in the 1990s. "Since then, he would describe him as a casual acquaintance." Ken Mehlman, the former Director of the White House Office of Political Affairs, said: "Well, Abramoff is someone who we don't know a lot about. We know what we read in the paper." [Continue reading Waxman's letter here - pdf]

Update-*There are actually 4,300 pages of documents from the White House relating to Abramoff. They are withholding 600 pages. They hardly knew him.