Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Where did "Betrayus" come from?

Rush Limbaugh has called the MoveOn.org "General Petraeus or General Betray Us?" advertisement "contemptible" and "indecent," but months earlier, on his radio show, he told his audience that he had a new name for Senator Chuck Hagel: "Senator Betrayus." Though Limbaugh has taken exception to accusations that he has attacked the patriotism of his political opponents, the "Senator Betrayus" remark is one of several instances in which Limbaugh has done so.
It shows a total disregard and a sick hatred of our country and its military for anyone to call a decorated veteran like Chuck Hagel, 'Senator Betrayus'. In fact, it is far more egregious to call Senator Hagel that than it is to call General Petraeus the same thing.

After all, when Hagel served his men in Vietnam, he didn't lie to them or choose to go with two additional stars at the detriment of those who serve under him.

It was quite the contrary
with Chuck Hagel.

Of course, any insult, against any veteran, coming from such a phony, despicable, three-time divorced, family-values impersonating, drug-addicted, viagra-popping pedophiliac chickenshit chickenhawk like Limbaugh, should be considered a compliment, judging from his character and those he supports.

Limbaugh should keep his disgusting and promiscuous mouth shut when it comes to, Chuck Hagel. That low-life hypocrite is not worthy.