"David Petraeus is a political general. Yet in presenting his recent assessment of the Iraq War and in describing the “way forward,” Petraeus demonstrated that he is a political general of the worst kind—one who indulges in the politics of accommodation that is Washington’s bread and butter but has thereby deferred a far more urgent political imperative, namely, bringing our military policies into harmony with our political purposes. ... "The general’s relationships with official Washington remain intact. Yet he has broken faith with the soldiers he commands and the Army to which he has devoted his life. He has failed his country. History will not judge him kindly."'The American Conservative' is Pat Buchanan's magazine. Maybe the Senate should vote on a resolution condemning Buchanan - one of the very few 'true' conservatives remaining in this country - since after all, his magazine has a frontpage cover story saying the exact same thing MoveOn said.
One thing can be said about Pat Buchanan; He's been right about Iraq since before went there because he was dead set against it.
Petraeus is a sycophant [a self-seeking, servile flatterer; fawning parasite] who has 'broken the faith of his soldiers' and 'failed his country'.
I read that in The American Conservative.
[h/t to Buzzflash]