"What’s most important is do the Iraqi people feel better about today than they did about yesterday, and do they think tomorrow’s going to be better than today? If the answer to those two questions is yes, then we’re on the right path".That statement came from Gen. Betray Us's boss, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Peter Pace, just last June. Well, here's a chart that shows what the Iraqi people 'feel' about tomorrow versus yesterday, and very clearly answers Gen. Pace's question;

On the escalation:65 to 70 percent of Iraqis say the escalation has “worsened rather than improved security.”
78 percent say “things are going badly for the country overall,” up 13 points since winter.
Overall conditions:39 percent say “their lives are going well,” down from 71 percent in Nov. 2005.
23 percent say things will be better in a year, one-third of the Nov. 2005 level.
23 percent report “effective reconstruction efforts in their local area,” down 10 points since March.
On the U.S. presence:
79 percent oppose the presence of coalition forces, unchanged since winter.
63 percent say it was wrong for the U.S. to have invaded Iraq, up from 52 percent in March and 39 percent in Feb. 2004.
47 percent now favor “immediate withdrawal of U.S. forces,” a 12-point rise since March.
We're not on the 'right path'.
Think Progress