Wednesday, September 26, 2007

"Hopefully, this can be done peacefully”

"Today, the Spanish newspaper El Pais published a transcript of a discussion between [George] Bush and Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar in February 2003 in which the Bush told Aznar that the U.S. would go to war with Iraq to disarm Saddam Hussein with or without a UN resolution:

Though Aznar asked Bush to “have a little patience” and urged, “It is very important to have a [UN] resolution,” Bush pushed for war throughout the meeting, telling the Spanish Prime Minister, “We will be in Baghdad by the end of March.”

Just a few days later, Bush insisted to the American public that war with Iraq was not a certainty:

BUSH: “I’ve not made up our mind about military action. Hopefully, this can be done peacefully.” [3/6/03]

BUSH: “We are doing everything we can to avoid war in Iraq. But if Saddam Hussein does not disarm peacefully, he will be disarmed by force.” [3/8/03]

"We did not choose war" . . . Yeah right, suckers!

Think Progress

Let me add this interesting piece of an interview of Dick Cheney by Tim Russert on Meet The Press, on March 16, 2003, just three days before our invasion and occupation of Iraq.

MR. RUSSERT: Ten days ago, the president had a news conference and said this, and let me show you:
(Videotape, March 6, 2003):
GEORGE W. BUSH: No matter what the whip count is, we’re calling for the vote. We want to see people stand up and say what their opinion is about Saddam Hussein and the utility of the United Nations Security Council, and so you bet. It’s time for people to show their cards, let the world know where they stand when it comes to Saddam.
(End videotape)

MR. RUSSERT: Are we going to demand a second vote in the United Nations to show their cards?

CHENEY: Well, it has a certain appeal, Tim. The president will address that issue today when he meets in the Azores with Prime Minister Aznar from Spain and Prime Minster Blair from Great Britain. The decision has to be made about whether or not we call for a vote and that’s something they’ll address. Within a few hours, you’ll be able to ask the president that directly. He’ll hold a press conference, I’m sure, when he finishes meeting with his colleagues.

'That issue', had already been decided. And of course, Bush never went back to the UN for that second vote like he said he would in the March 6 video tape transcript.

He didn't want a second vote because he knew the UN had witnessed Saddam Hussein open up and give in to the UN weapons inspectors since the first vote.

If you want to read a transcript from one lying, and totally wrong, Chickenhawk son-of-a-bitch, read this transcript of Cheney, three days before the asshole drove us off that cliff.