Monday, August 13, 2007

Who in Congress is at 14% approval?

It's been bantered around a lot lately that Congress' approval rating is at "14%". I heard that nauseating little prick, Sean Hannity, say earlier as he was going to commercial, 'We'll be right back to talk about Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid with their "14% approval rating.''

Now you know damn well Nancy Pelosi's approval rating is probably somewhere in the 75-80% range back her district and Harry Reid's approval rating in Nevada is many times 14%.

My two senators here in Michigan both have approval ratings well over 50%.

Nobody, with maybe the exception of David Vitter in Louisiana, Ted Stevens from Alaska or some other perverted or corrupted Republican I can't think of at the moment, in Congress has a 14% positive approval rating.

When people answer those surveys and polls, they're talking about your senator or representative - They're not talking about mine.