Friday, August 24, 2007

They don't need us there

Al-Qaida accused of attacking Sunni village

... Armed men in the village assembled and drove the fighters back in a 30-minute gunbattle, witnesses said.

Al-Qaida has been forced to fight a rear-guard action against many of its former allies in the Sunni community who have risen up against the organization because of its brutality and attempts to impose the group’s austere version of Islam.
You can be certain the Sunni locals' payback on this will be swift. Al-Qaeda [lite] in Mesopotamia's days are surely numbered.

The Iraqi Sunnis are sworn enemies with the likes of al-Qaeda. They hate al-Qaeda even more than they do us. Just like Saddam Hussein and the Baathists did.

Sure could use some of that Saddam charm he had with the Iranians right about now, too.

Speaking of Iranians ... did you hear the one about the fool who wrote that the Iranians were "allies of al-Qaeda and sympathetic to Bin Laden and the Taliban"?

Did you know, in fact, the Iranians actually helped us defeat the Taliban, and offered to fight al-Qaeda, way back in 2001?

How did we end up in Iraq, again?