[Chuck] Murry, director of the Center for Cardiovascular Biology at the UW's Institute for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine, has long struggled to use adult stem cells to re-create heart muscle. He and UW colleague Michael Laflamme, the lead researcher on this study, knew from other studies that human embryonic stem cells could become heart muscle cells in rats — an encouraging first step.Unfortunately we will have wasted eight long years of critical embryonic stem cell research by the time we get rid of Bush and the Luddites in this country, but hope is coming just as soon as we can get more Republicans out of office.
[...] "We're pleased to be able to provide an example of something that can be done with embryonic cells that can't be done with adult stem cells," Murry said.
For those who have misconstrued the facts and repeated the lies of the ignorant about the potential of adult stem cells, you can shut up now. You don't know what you're talking about and any scientist or researcher who works with stem cells and is worth their salt, would tell you so.