Bush said Friday that Congress must stay in session until it approves legislation modernizing a U.S. law governing eavesdropping on foreigners.Don't think so, George. You've "worked hard and in good faith"?
“So far the Democrats in Congress have not drafted a bill I can sign,” Bush said at FBI headquarters, where he was meeting with counterterror and homeland security officials. “We’ve worked hard and in good faith with the Democrats to find a solution, but we are not going to put our national security at risk.
Having legislation that Alberto Gonzales, and even you for that matter, can approve without review from the FISA Court, is not only, NOT a 'good faith' effort, it's a laughable proposition coming from some one with your track record.
Go on vacation Congress. Do NOT give in to these criminals again!
And don't worry - Only the real die-hard Bush suck-ups (23%) are still falling for all that 'need to protect you from the evil terrorists' bullshit that's sure to follow. There's no rush to give these guys anything.
Talk to Feingold.