"As coalition troops continue to die on Iraqi soil and the US Government's military spending on the war bleeds into billions of dollars, a new book says that not only could this have been avoided, but it was all predictable, as long as you had read the Al Qaeda manual."If the cost of Bush's and the Republicans' (58% of Congressional Democrats voted 'no' on authorizing the fool to invade) fiasco in Iraq wasn't so devastating to our country it would be laughable of how stupid they were and remain. One only has to look at their surprise that Iran would support and assist the new majority of Shia in Iraq, and vice-versa, to realize just how stupid and uninformed these people are. I mean, there are actually some of these phony-assholes who are still too stupid to figure out who are Shia and who are Sunni Muslims six years into this.
Bottom line is, Bush and the fools who followed him into Iraq like sheep are directly responsible for us not capturing and destroying bin Laden and al-Qaeda and they're laughing at the fools for doing exactly what they hoped we would do.
Stupid leaders, stupid followers is the recipe for what we have.
Also, here's a great article from Newsweek that expounds on how incompetent and stupid they were to divert our attention and resources from the real terrorists who attacked us, to Iraq that was never a threat.
It was exactly what bin Laden wanted us to do.