Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Because they're not funny

Fox's Sunday 'comedy'(sic) show, "The 1/2 Hour News Hour," produced by Rush Limbaugh's Viagra smuggling, Dominican Republic pedophile hunting, accomplice, Joel Surnow, who also co-produced, '24', was finally put out of its misery when Rupert Murdoch came out and flatly admitted, "Folks, lets face it, we conservatives are just not funny people and we should just continue to do what we do best, making people miserable.."

There's very good reason why the only 'conservative' comedians in the country are Dennis Miller and Jackie Mason; Like those two, 'conservatives' are NOT funny people - American 'conservatism' today, is basically social conservatives (certainly no fiscal conservatives anywhere to be found) who are miserable just by definition. Ask yourself, how many 'conservatives' do you know who are 'happy'? I don't know any.
In January, Fox announced that it would begin airing the “Half Hour News Hour” on Sunday nights, the so-called “right-wing answer to ‘The Daily Show With Jon Stewart.‘” “You can turn on any show and see Bush being bashed,” said creator Joel Surnow, producer of Fox’s 24. “There really is nothing out there for those who want satire that tilts right.” As Fox has learned, that’s because no one wants to watch that kind of satire.

...Fox News Corp.’s senior vice president Bill Shine announced:

Joel Surnow and I have mutually decided that we will not continue the Half Hour News Hour beyond its current 15 episode run. The last show will be presented on September 16th.