Tommy Franks as the next vice president?That has to be a joke. Tommy Franks as a VP?
Three of the eight announced 2008 Republican presidential candidates are considering retired Army Gen. Tommy Franks as their vice presidential running mate.
Franks is the idiot who let Osama bin Laden escape at Tora Bora and who then 'led' (from Tampa, Fla) our troops away from the target and into the Iraq fiasco.
Don't Republicans have any other bumbling, incompetent fools to recycle? Maybe if Fred 'Houndog' Thompson picks Franks they could run as, "Ugly, and Butt Ugly.
If you're going to select a retired general to run as VP, at least choose a respectable officer like Wes Clark or Eric Shinseki. Oh, that's right, they're not Republicans.
I have to add this 'footnote' about Tommy Franks. Although Franks is the worst U.S. General since George Armstrong Custer, I have to give him credit for one of the all-time best smack-downs in TV history.
Sean Hannity was interviewing Franks on Hannity & Colmes back in August of 2004 and he played a couple of tapes of John Kerry's testimony before Congress when he came back from Vietnam. Hannity kept trying to get Franks to say that what Kerry said wasn't true but Franks won't lie and finally slams Hannity with, “The things that Senator Kerry said are undeniable about activities in Vietnam ... I think that things didn’t go right in—in Vietnam.”
The look on Hannity's face was priceless.
-- But, Tommy Franks as VP? ... That's funny ...