Friday, July 13, 2007

Why they're so ignorant

Richard H. Carmona told a House hearing Tuesday that he believed his task as surgeon general from 2002 to 2006 was to improve "health literacy" using the best medical and scientific data he could collect. But top Bush administration officials, Carmona testified, had other ideas.
We've all heard them say it - The ignorant wingnut who says (or writes), 'adult stem cells show as much or more promise than embryonic stem cells'. And you think to yourself, what a moron - nobody's that stupid.

But in fairness, their ignorance is due to them being incapable of thinking on their own, or independently reading about a subject on their own. And then it's all magnified by all the lying propaganda that has come from this administration over the last 6 1/2 years.

Not thinking, not reading, and swallowing all of the lies, is the trifecta to ignorance.