Saturday, July 14, 2007

We can start in the morning!

... And what a boon for America!

Al-Maliki says go ahead a leave

Iraq's Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki says Iraqi forces are ready to provide full security in the nation whenever U.S. troops leave.

Mr. Maliki told reporters Saturday that Iraqi troops can assume complete responsibility for security at any time. But he added that those forces still need more training and equipment.
Bush and his little lambs just lost their last excuse, (The other one about 'al-Qaeda in Iraq' was easily debunked) and since al-Maliki and 80% of their population want us out, and 55% think killing Americans is the right thing to do, there are no more excuses.

We can get completely out in 30 days, Nouri. And you need equipment? No problem. We'll leave you a whole bunch of those humvees Bush and Rumsfeld refused to up-armor.

And you need 'training'? You've had four years of it and you're fighting people who weren't trained and you out-number them 15 to 1, so train yourselves.

We will glady take our $11 billion a month for our people, and not waste it on yours any longer.

Let's get it done - There are no more excuses!