Friday, July 06, 2007

Pardon Me

From Harry Truman through Bill Clinton [1945-2001*] on presidential pardons.

Who granted more pardons, Ronald Reagan or Bill Clinton?

Who granted the most, and who granted the least amount of pardons, from Truman, to Eisenhower, to Kennedy, Johnson, to Nixon, Ford, to Carter, Reagan, to Bush Daddy through Bill Clinton?

The fewest, of course that would be John Kennedy? Or, Gerald Ford?

No - Bush Daddy had the fewest amount of pardons, 74. Of course that was over 48 months. But George H.W. Bush did have a very notable pardon out of his paltry 74, though. His pardon of Caspar Weinberger , who undoubtedly was ready to testify against his ass about his role in Iran/Contra, raised a few eyebrows at the time. (The old nut doesn't fall too far from the tree, does it?)

The most pardons? That would be Harry Truman, with 1,913 - followed by good old Dwight with 1,110, Lyndon Johnson with 960 in only 62 months and Richard Nixon, surprisingly 4th with a generous 863 in his shortened, 63 months in office and Jimmy Carter, #5 with 534 in 48 short months.

So who had more pardons, Clinton or Reagan? Gerald Ford was only in office for 29 months and John F. Kennedy was only in office for 34 months and who do you think had the most pardons, Clinton, Reagan, Ford or Kennedy?

Kennedy granted 472 pardons in 34 months and Gerald Ford granted 382 in 29 months.

Ronald Reagan granted 393 in his full eight years in office and Bill Clinton granted 3 more than that, 396 in his full 96 months.

The bell rang.


*And beyond - According to Wikipedia, as of 6/29/07, George W. Bush had issued 113 pardons.