Monday, July 16, 2007

Majority of Military - Going to Iraq was wrong

Among military members and their immediate families who responded to a national New York Times/CBS News poll in May, two-thirds said things were going badly, compared with just over half, about 53 percent, a year ago. Fewer than half of the families and military members said the United States did the right thing in invading Iraq. A year ago more than half held that view, according to the a similar poll taken last July. The May poll had a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 7 percentage points.
The Iraqis don't want us there, 70% of Americans don't want to be there, and a majority of our troops don't want to be there.

Shouldn't have went there in the first place - just like a majority of the military and their families now agree with - and it's way past the time we should have left!