"Yes, it's true. A couple of months ago, I stated that I might someday enter politics again but not the presidential race in '08. But I have now come to the conclusion that I can indeed make the biggest contribution to our great country, and have the greatest impact on the issues I hold near and dear to me--climate control and putting an end to the Iraq war--if I seek the highest job in the land. And in a major break from tradition, I have already asked Russ Feingold, and he has accepted, to be my running mate."Well, unfortunately, it's not true - Yet. But the country can hope. And I added the last sentence to Ostroy's.
Just think if Al Gore would have been rightfully 'selected' by the Supreme Court instead the dumbest president in the history of the country.
No Iraq war, saving us $1 trillion, 3,684 Americans lives, 26,000+ wounded. Budget surpluses instead $2 trillion+ in deficits. Unemployment at 3.6% instead of 4.6% and not artificially propped-up by jobs at Wal-Mart. Twelve million new jobs instead of a paltry 2 or 3 million. Dow Jones at 19,000. Dollar still strong against the Euro and other foreign currency. Still respected by the rest of the world. New Orleans making a huge comeback. Osama bin Laden and all known al-Qaeda operatives involved in 9/11 dead over five years ago and not a single American military man or woman in any Middle East country.
Man, did we ever get fucked!