Monday, July 02, 2007

Has he ever pulled himself out of anything?

Your anchor snagged? Free it yourself? Cut the rope? Hell no, don't worry - call in the Secret Service dive team to bail your dumbass out once again.

From going to Yale with his 2.0 to getting him into the Air National Guard and out of Vietnam, to setting him up in the oil business and later 'selling' his failed oil producing company that couldn't find oil, his Texas Rangers scam, his gift from the Supreme Court, to the disaster of the last 6 1/2 years, has Idiot Boy ever done anything right? Has he ever done anything?
They dropped the anchor to fish less than 100 feet from shore at Biddleford, Maine, but when they decided to leave, they couldn't, according to an Associated Press photographer who took pictures of the incident.

A fishing guide along on the trip tried unsuccessfully to pull up the heavy anchor.

Soon after, a member of the president's security detail called divers aboard a Secret Service boat that had been following behind.

The anchor was untied, and the elder Bush backed his boat, a blue-and-white craft named Fidelity III, out of the way. After a diver dove down into the chilly water, the president, nonchalantly, resumed fishing.
Cut the rope you fools. Papa Bush can afford another anchor - He's real good at buying things ...