Monday, July 30, 2007

Earn big $$$$ - Be a 'Quick Shipper'!

Are you one of the many millions who has already, or is about to lose your house due to a mortgage failure? College tuition got you down? Is your job about to be out-sourced? Just plain tired of your boss?

Well, have we got a deal for you! Become a 'Quick Shipper', and put you and your family's deepest financial concerns behind you by getting a quick $20 Grand from Uncle Sam!!

All you have to do is join the Army and promise that you will be riding shot-gun in one of George Bush's specially made Humvees down the middle of the streets of Baghdad within 30 days of volunteering. That's right, 30 days! How long do you think it actually takes to be trained to become a target and die getting blown to bits?

Also, look for our new 'Quicker' and 'Quickest' Shipper programs to be introduced next month. With the 'Quickest Shipper' program, we can have your ass patroling the streets of Baghdad within 24 hours of you signing that dotted line!

Don't miss these wonderful offers. Pass it along and if you have little Chickenhawk children running around, this could be a good opportunity for them too!

Please Remember-We take them from 17 - 42 and 'it doesn't take long to be trained to die'!

This offer is good at any local Army Recruiting Office!

Don't miss this wonderful opportunity to finally, 'shut-up and put up'.

Army - $20K Bonus For 'Quick' Recruits

As the U.S. Army continues to keep thousands of troops deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan, Army recruiters have a new perk to offer new recruits.

The Army is now offering a $20,000 "QS" – or “Quick Shipper” -- bonus to new and prior service recruits joining, selecting any job and shipping out for training within 30 days.