Thursday, July 12, 2007

Boy, that's a real tough choice ...

Bush vs. All 16 U.S. intelligence agencies

"There is a perception in the coverage that al Qaeda may be as strong today as they were prior to September 11th. That’s simply not the case…because of the actions we’ve taken, al Qaeda is weaker today than they would have been."
Bush today caught with his lips moving at a press conference
"The al Qaida terrorist network has rebounded and is at its greatest strength since it was expelled from Afghanistan after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, a new top-level U.S. intelligence assessment concludes, U.S. officials said Wednesday.

The report is known as a National Intelligence Estimate, which is the highest level analysis produced by the U.S. intelligence community for the president and Congress. It represents the consensus of all 16 U.S. intelligence agencies".
Now that's a real tough choice, isn't it? Who do you believe - Bush who is a proven liar and a miserable failure or the NIE, which comes from all 16 of our intelligence agencies?

I guess when you think about it, what else is Bush going to say? He'd never admit what a total fuck-up he has been in his 'war on terror', and he does have about 25% still supporting him. He might as well throw those idiots some red meat - They'd eat anything!