Monday, July 09, 2007

The bandwagon is getting crowded ...

George Voinovich, Pete Domenici, Lamar Alexander, Judd Gregg, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Gordon Smith, Dick Lugar, Mitch McConnell, John Warner and Chuck Hagel.

Hold your applause. With the exception of Hagel and Warner (who might not run in 08), they're all, 'Johnnie come lately's', and are only looking at the polls and listening, finally, to their constituents.

Alexander, Domenici, Collins, Coleman, McConnell, Smith, Warner and Hagel are all up for re-election in 2008.

It's not about what's right for the country - it's all about getting re-elected.

But we certainly accept their support - regardless of how late - just the same.

Here's to October.