Thursday, June 21, 2007

Now that's 'overwhelming force'

More than 7,500 US troops and 2,500 Iraqi forces, which are combing Baquba, also uncovered several weapons caches, including four homemade bombs in a house and another 10 bombs buried underground, the US military said.
What to do with 10,000 troops?
Baquba, the capital of Diyala province just northeast of Baghdad, had been infiltrated by al-Qaeda over the past year—between 400 and 500 al-Qaeda fighters were estimated to be in the city when the U.S. forces attacked on Monday, and now those who remain are surrounded, in a slowly tightening cordon.
What? You annihilate 500 al-Qaeda scumbags, that's what you do.

But, pardon me for asking. Couldn't the '2,500 Iraqi forces' handle the 400 to 500 al-Qaeda bad guys? I mean, if those fucking lightweights can't handle them when they outnumber them, 5 to 1, maybe they deserve to have their asses kicked. At least they don't deserve our guys dying for their chickenshit asses, that's for sure.

The only thing overwhelming about our fiasco in Iraq is just how fucking overwhelmingly dumb we've turned out to be.

Not my sons you sons-of-bitches. Not in this lifetime.