“The Republican Party has a long and ignominious record of caging – much of it focused on the African American community,” Kennedy and Whitehouse explain in their letter which gives details of the RNC using voting caging tactics to suppress minority voters in both 1981 and 1986. After both incidents, the GOP had signed consent decrees that they would not engage in the activity in the future.
Nonetheless, email evidence has shown that in 2004, Tim Griffin created and sent caging lists on behalf of the Bush 2004 campaign as originally reported by the BBC to little American media fanfare, prior to the election. Griffin, who became an aide to Karl Rove, was later appointed by the Bush Administration as the US Attorney from Arkansas after they had fired Bud Cummins. Griffin has since resigned from the post in the wake of the scandal."

Just ask any of the African Americans in the picture on the left here who were still waiting to vote on November 2, 2004, in Miami, two hours after the polls closed. Or ask some of those who waited in line for up to 'seven-to-nine-hour'[s] to vote like they had to in Cleveland.
Nah - it's a figment of their imaginations ... Republicans don't cheat when it comes to elections.