Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Homeland Insecurity

Bush's War Weakens Our National Security

The last of 3,300 paratroopers from the 82nd Airborne Division's 1st Brigade bound for Iraq are expected to fly out of Pope Air Force Base on Sunday [6/10], marking the first time since World War II that all of the division’s combat infantry brigades will be at war...

The 82nd also has a support brigade in Iraq and an aviation brigade split between the two war zones, said the division spokesman, Maj. Tom Earnhardt. All told, the 82nd has an all-time record of nearly 17,000 troops deployed, he said...

...So many soldiers were deployed last month that the division had to cancel its annual All American Week celebration. Earlier this spring, it had relinquished its decades-old role providing the nation's emergency response brigade, a unit that stands ready to board planes within 18 hours to fight anywhere in the world.
Not only has Bush's needless war in Iraq cost our country 3,512 American lives, 26,000 wounded and a couple of trillion dollars, but it's also made our country less safe.

A war that has absolutely nothing to do with our national security has now, for the first time in almost 60 years, left us without our 'Ready Brigade', and the country remains silent.

The sheep and the ignorant, those who continue to remain silent or who defend Bush's needless and unnecessary invasion of Iraq, should be embarrassed by what their silence and/or ignorance has led us to.

But of course, if you're oblivious to reality and are nothing but a herd of scared sheep who do nothing but follow, you can't be counted on to do what's right.

So shut-up, sit there and be silent and those of us who have been right all along will bail your pathetic asses out with our continued resistance to Bush's made up 'war on terror'.