Saturday, May 19, 2007

We keep dying

BAGHDAD – The U.S. military announced Friday that five more American soldiers were killed in fighting in south Baghdad and Diyala province, as Iraqi officials reported fighting in the insurgent stronghold of Baqouba. The U.S. military denied the Iraqi report.

Three of the Americans were killed Friday when a roadside bomb destroyed their vehicle in Diyala province northeast of Baghdad, the military said. Two others were killed and nine U.S. soldiers were wounded during separate attacks Thursday in southern Baghdad.
When I wrote this 10 days ago 3,381 Americans had been killed in Iraq. Now it's 3,409. Twenty-eight men over the last 10 days. And that's actually an improvement. We've lost 58 men in the first 19 days of May.

UPDATE: Sorry, the day wasn't over. In the 90 minutes between now and when I posted this, it was announced that five more Americans were killed. It's now 3,414, with 63 killed in the first 19 days of May.